One friendly glance. An urgent blur. A momentous glimpse. That is all it took. I had been craning my neck on the windows of the train for this one look. And it was worth the wait.
I had seen the place where I had spent 14 years of my life. That place means more to me than any other one place. It looks much like the settee of any R K Narayan story. But only, water was so scarce in this Sarayu. In the hustle and bustle of the city, which changes by the hour, this place has stood the test of time and borne it well too. The temple remains as solid as ever. The scent from the nearby paddy fields still fill the air with fragrance. Here did I play my last cricket on the streets. There are kids now, doing what I had left behind. While I quench my thirst with mineral water bottles and instant coffee machines, people here are still enjoying clean drinking water. While I am applying for my credit card, this place still has a place for a 25 paise coin.
I always loved doing strange things. I had once saved seven rupees worth 5 paise coins (140 coins). Those were days I loved eating the 5 paise candies. I guess they dont sell them anymore. I had learnt cycling here and bruised my leg many a times. I had done 12 years of my schooling here in 2 different schools.
I have now learned through experience that the world stretches even beyond this village. That there are people beyond here who love me just as the people here used to. That there are so many other tinsel towns that match Malgudi even better. But back then I was just Susi. In the bigger world, I address myself Susindhar T Kandan. But I still miss my middle name. T for Tiruvalam.
Song : New York Nagaram Urnagumbodu...