Thursday, July 13, 2006

John Nash

This self made genius has been my greatest inspiration of late. Before him the honour went to Homer Hickam. During various points in my life, it was shared by great minds like Shakuntala Devi, Albert Einstein, Thomas Alwa Edison, Micheal Vasanth, Linus Trovalds, Subramaniam(DMACS), Bill Landreth... Names from the contemporary and other wise. But unlike these names Nash has somehow inspired me not just in reading about his personal life and being awestruck but then also got me to sit at his research work.

It was through an unconcious motion of fate that I happened to stumble on him. "A Beautiful Mind" was inspiring and absorbing but minmax was what got me into him. He had nothing to do with it, but the creative brain he showed in taking it to further exalted heights... Unlike many others(which includes John Von Neumann) he has never had a great mind. What he had been bestowed upon with was the creativity. To look at problems from a wholly different angle. One from which the whole world had never imagined possible. New dimensions seemed to exist to known problems when he was at work.

Fighting the world is one thing. But what poor thing it is if you have to fight your own self. He did that and did that successfully. To know that and to realise that you are abnormal and to defy science and to cure oneself from what he suffered from(schizophrenia) is considered to be something phenomenal. Things like these have got me deeply engrossed into game theory of late. Am I just getting interested to it or is it really pushing me onward for something deeper? Only time will tell.