Friday, February 18, 2011

Turning 40

What do I want to be when I am 40?
A Writer? An Entrepreneur? A Professor? School Teacher? Sports Journalist?
Looks like I have no clue.
Let me poll my friends.





The future is still foggy. But not an Entrepreneur. Too much competition.
But if so many of my friends run their own business, I will at least not be out of a job.

Or will I still be?

The raw data collected is stored as a Google spreadsheet.
May be 14 years from now, I can check if the others are what they want to be. ;)


V.Ilamparithi said... [Reply to comment]

Who is the one in Education!!

Unknown said... [Reply to comment]

The value I keep on privacy is too high to disclose this information.
Only I get to see whether you live to see your dreams :)

Plus, you don't actually know that guy.

Lilford said... [Reply to comment]

I now know its not me or Illam.. :P

Unknown said... [Reply to comment]

May be me. Who knows?
That's right. I do.