Thursday, July 13, 2006

Here at last

The first step is always the most difficult for anyone. Ask a child what is more difficult? Its first tottering step or the sprint it later got acclimatised to. I have for long been contemplating on this idea of having my own blog. But procrastination has always been one of my strong points. The point of action must come at some point of time. The sooner the better. My best friend gave me one of the best lines i keep musing over in the recent past. "Dirty your hands if you want to learn something".

Went to Besant Nagar beach last night at 12. This was the first time for me being in the beach at that late hours. Add to it my own driving all the way to the beach and back. Makes it all the more interesting. May be crazy if you know the way I drive. But then there are times for celebration. I wont call this exhilaration but a celebration all the same. Had been waiting for a long time for this monumental moment to fall on me. Now all those friends who have lent me some very nice moments to enjoy in the past couple of years are now placed. An year from now, we are all assured of a future for ourselves.

Pedestrial as it may seem, it is the dawning of a new era in the life of so many guys. Guys who always thought their future was bleak now have their own space to breath. This feeling comes to everyone at some point of their life time or the other. The feeling that you are not a no-good. you too got something in you. For me personally it dawned some five years ago. There sure would have been some who would have enjoyed that moment today or atleast within the past month.

Always there is the beginner's eagerness to anything that is new. The first blog generally tends to be the longest. Hopefully this is not my latest fad. Hoping to continue soon.


Hari Natarajan said... [Reply to comment]

Welcome Mate...
Hoping to join you soon..
Good post.

Unknown said... [Reply to comment]


Waiting for you. :)